Litigating veteran employment discrimination cases around the country.

USERRA, which was passed in 1994, provides many protections. Two of those protections are: protection against discrimination and protection of one’s pre-deployment job.

Service Member Law was established by Matt Crotty and Thomas Jarrard to be a resource for service members seeking legal assistance with their civilian employment. 

Thomas, Matt, and Bob of Service Member Law are the most experienced USERRA attorneys in the country, and have represented thousands of individual and USERRA class actions.

Current Cases


Mr. Tsui, an Army Reservist, sued Walmart for failing to pay short term military leave given the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Right’s Act’s (USERRA) requirement that companies pay short term military leave in the event the company pays for comparable short term leaves like jury duty, sick leave, and/or bereavement leave.  Mr. Tsui brought a class action lawsuit against Walmart that later resulted in a 15 million dollar settlement.


Justin Baker works for the UPS. On March 16, 2021, he filed class action USERRA complaint against his employer for failing to pay short term military leave given USERRA’s requirement that companies pay short term military leave in the event the company pays for comparable short term leaves like jury duty, sick leave, and/or bereavement leave. A few days later, on March 22, 2021, Mr. Baker suffered a workplace injury and, per policy, requested Temporary Alternate Work (TAW).  UPS denied Mr. Baker’s TAW request even though three other similarly-situated co-workers were receiving that same benefit at the same time of Mr. Baker’s injury. Mr. Baker then brought a USERRA retaliation claim against UPS a copy of which is available here.